Fixed benefit health insurance plans


A fixed benefit health insurance plan is one that provides a specific amount of money or coverage to you, and the amount of your benefits is set. Some plans may provide additional benefits if you meet certain requirements, such as enrolling in a specific type of health plan.

Fixed benefit health insurance plans are available in all states, but they are not offered by every insurance company. It’s important to compare different types of plans to find one that meets your needs. A fixed benefit plan is often used as a part of a health savings account (HSA).

Why Do You Need a Fixed Benefit Health Insurance Plan?

You need a fixed benefit health insurance plan for at least two reasons.

  • First, you want to know that your medical bills are covered by insurance — and not just the deductible. This is especially important if you have an expensive medical condition or are in a high-risk group.
  • Second, you want to know that your monthly premium will be the same each month. If your premium fluctuates according to your health status or other factors, you might end up paying more than you need to.

What Are the Advantages of Fixed Benefit Health Insurance Plans?

Fixed benefit health insurance plans are one that offers the same level of coverage to all employees. This type of plan offers better value than an HRA or a flexible benefit plan because it costs less to administer and pays out more often.

A Company Owner’s POV

From a company owner’s viewpoint, the main advantage of a fixed indemnity health insurance is that it’s easier to administer. You don’t have to worry about what your employees want or how much they’re going to pay for coverage each year. And because the payments are set in advance, you know exactly how much money you’ll have in the bank each month.

From the same viewpoint, the main disadvantage of this type of plan is that it doesn’t offer the same level of flexibility as a flexible benefit plan or HRA. The cost savings are usually low when compared with other types of plans, so if you want to give your employees more freedom over their healthcare spending, you should look at other options first.

An Employee’s POV

The benefits of a fixed indemnity health insurance are numerous, but they are most clearly outlined in the following ways:

  • Fixed Health Care Benefits With A Retirement Plan

Benefits of a fixed benefit health insurance plan include the ability to maintain consistent coverage throughout your life, whether you have a spouse or children. This provides peace of mind that you will be able to receive medical treatment for any condition throughout your entire working career.

  • Reduced Out-Of-Pocket Costs

Another advantage of having a fixed benefit health insurance plan is that it reduces out-of-pocket costs for both employees and their families. The employer pays all or part of the premium and then reimburses employees with a monthly or annual deduction from their paychecks.

  • No Deductibles For Inpatient Care

Another benefit of having this type of policy is that there are no deductibles for hospital stays or other types of emergency room visits.

The Takeaway

Fixed benefit health insurance plans are the best way to protect yourself from medical expenses that may arise in the future. It also ensures that you will be able to access quality medical care whenever you need it.