Have you ever needed additional protection beyond what your health insurance plan offers? Find affordable dental, vision, accident insurance, and other Medicare Advantage plans in Arizona. Ensure comprehensive coverage with dental, vision, and accident insurance for your peace of mind. Get the insurance coverage you deserve today.


Dental insurance, sometimes called a dental plan, is a form of health insurance designed to pay a portion of the costs associated with dental care.


Most plans include a yearly eye exam and a fixed benefit that can help purchase a portion of new eyewear and/or contact lenses.


Accident insurance pays a policy holder directly in the event of an accident resulting in injury.

Dental Choice Plus Insurance

Dental Choice Plus

Dental insurance, sometimes called a dental plan, is a form of health insurance designed to pay a portion of the costs associated with dental care. Some products provide coverage right away while others have waiting periods.


Vision insurance is limited to specific benefits and discount in exchange for an annual premium and sometimes a co-pay. Most plans include a yearly eye exam and a fixed benefit that can help purchase a portion of new eyewear and/or contact lenses.

Vision Health Insurance
Accident Insurance


Accident insurance pays a policy holder directly in the event of an accident resulting in injury. The policy holder can spend the benefit payment however they choose. Many plans also provide additional benefits to help with the hospital, ambulance, air evac and more.

Want to learn more about our Enhanced Insurance Options?

Contact us today!

(602) 618-1400

3930 E University Dr, Mesa AZ 85205

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